The Real Danger: Getting second hand natural health information off the internetAs you can see, there are some legitimate microwave oven safety issues to be aware of, but they’re no different than basic cooking safety with any kind of conventional oven, stovetop, grill or fire.If you pay attention, you’ll notice that nearly all of the “gloom and doom” stuff is uncritical, propagandist pseudoscience coming from the “alternative health,” “natural health” or “raw foods” movements by the way, some nutrients become more bio-available when cooked.Some of the people and organizations who spread this misinformation are honest and sincerely believe in what they’re saying. But as physicist Robert Park wrote in Voodoo Science, “what may begin as honest error has a way of evolving through almost imperceptible steps from self-delusion to fraud.” True to that point, some are using scare tactics as tools for marketing or furthering their agendas.Other people are just “out there.” I swear some of them are conspiracy theory, tin foil hat and little green men types.And this months Tin foil hat award goes to…

read more Debunking An Internet Hoax: What Science Really Says About Microwave Ovens, Your Food And Your Health | Burn The Fat Blog – Tom Venuto..